What a weekend...
Full of stuff
Full of stories n the spice n variety of ingredient filled the days.
For saturday 14/1/2012 " mencari datuk kepada thompson punya trail"
-planned to leave kulim by 1800 ending up leaving kulim by 2100.<( actual departing was 2230 from Macdonald Seberang jaya)
-planned to reach homestay at tanah rata by 2300 ending up reaching by 0145 the next day.( biru muka pak sbu nunggu kami kat brinchang. Sorry old man.
-planned pre day sleep= 6 hours ending up only 3 hours as need to get ready by 630
-planned to bike with 6 others but ending up only with 5 as the guide was not keen to ride on the day ( had something else to take care off ogso)
-planned to have fun for the first section of the trail.( habu to ringlet n to the sunlight kebun climb up n 8km DH to pos menson. ( missed the turn to sunlight factory where we start climbin to the peak before DH. Had to climb up extra mile.
How come we missed? The area had a facelift... Totally new with more kebun they had opened. Mampus..
-didnt planned anything but a week before = full of rain. N the day we came = no rain . but leftovers is still there.So..tanah merah = tanah lecah.
It was wet n full of the DH section was with thick mud. 40cm deep. With pickup tires mark... Impossible to go faster,,,, n new skill had to learn... How to Dh in the mudd without toppling... Hehe it was full of fun.. Ape lai.. Jatuh le bang.. Menyungkur cium mud. It took us almost 1 hour to reach menson..( when it is dry u usually go 15-20 minutes dh..
T be continued
17/1/2012 continue..
-Reached Menson & mingle around a bit.
-Hmm they had improve the area & tarmac all the way to the school.. & no more small fun for rolling section... there were 2 proton iswara there.. camno???
Reached School & the new adventure began.
CIkgu mad Bin Ibrahim wanna lead us to Kg Rening. According to him, the kg has everything, waterfall, kebun durian & so,, even the lubuk for ikan kelah. but the way to go will be tougher & no looping.. So , we decided to have a go & see what can we discover there. ( bye bye bukit meluat & nice expensive tea session)
We took right on the tarmac after Pos Menson school . About 5-10km passed Kg Leryar ( New build up tmn perumahan) & then turned left heading to Kg Telanok, Kg Teji, & one more kampung, & Kg Trakit, Kg Lemui & Kg Rening. It was deep in the jungle where we can see from the highway... & one sad news.. The area will be used to build a damn soon.( on going) So , i dunno when can we be able to experience those after all these.. sigh...
It was good mixture of tarmac & natural jungle road.
nice water fall & fruits yard.( most of the time DH) So... we were what the hell????? & no looping?? need to come back this way??? i saw several sour face already.. hehe.. ignorant is a bliss... that what i just did... heeheh
The route to Kg Rening is damn real for natural org Asli walking pathway.. Rolling single trail with no flat & NO easy surface to ride the bike on..
We didnt managed to reach Rening as once we reach Trakit, it was almost 1500. we need about 2 hours or more to go out to the main road i presumed.
2 of our guys decided to stay in one of the river & waited for us to go out. No looping.. old days it was there but the trail had been abandoned due to some reason unknown.
On the way out, we decided to call for rescue. Ill go out with the guide on his motorcycles & pick my pick up at Habu. The rest will wait at Kg Abu/ Kg Rengklas.
Anyway, we had to go out of the natural trail by bike before i can leave my bike & joined the guide.
There then when trailing i had this moment where my bike went "teng", or "beng".. snapping/ colliding sound. small sound.. checking around & I saw nothing wrong on my bike..
It took about 1hour to reach my car & another hour to get to them. ( As i slept by the road on the way back) to sleepy to drive.)
Loaded 6 bikes & 6 people on my lorry, went to Menson School for prayer , light refreshment & relaxing. & By 1900 we had reached habu. Repacking & sttuff & food time at Tanah Rata.
Decided to drop at Doli Taiping for another round of food intake, but we reached Taiping Exit at 2300 & we thought it was too late.
I reached my home by 0200 after sending all the passengers home.
The next day ( actually after several hours) The Hardcore meleleh event took place. Aha
To be continued..
The orange cordial
2 months ago