yes yes n yess... My July event are finally over.
Ended with Happy ride with Kulim happy ride team . Un planned event for me but i joined just to mix with the local team which is currently growing big as we speak.
the last July event for me was PCC presidential ride at Broga.
What can i say. It was huge.. I mean... The distance .. Off road distance .. Almost 65km trail. combination of 4 stages n damn man...
I was trainjing to stay fit for this event. yes alhamdullilah i survived. managed to complete all stages in 5H45m. Roughly. it was good n nothing serious unwanted issue except that i had lost my rear brake just after Stage 1.
Entering stage 2 , the need to brake on " lonkang " crossing blew me... Where is my brake? It was soft. N soft n hei.... Where was it? Hmmm the safety pin, the pad n the spring unit or something had gone somehow... I can see only the piston n the brake house... Shoot. 3 more stages to go n heavy Dh section will come...n i decided to continue with the event with the thought that... This time.. Ill have the slowest DH section around...
Yes n yes..DH was no longer fun for me... Had to brake before it started to decent to be able to control my soeed n taking care of the bike n myself from fallin.....
Afraid of the front brake failure was also in the air.. So, slower speed will do the job qhopefully. Yes.. Alhamdullilah i had survived.. Event the gruesome last Decent.heheh n yhr front brake had become soft also after the event... Almost running out the pads.. But.. Alhamdullilah once again.. The left front help me to survive.
it was good nursing mode experience. I had to tune my mind that.. U must go on but have really to care during DH. Meaning really really slow speed. N had managed to tackle the short steep technical decent with the thought that. I cant immediately stop with the front. N yes.. The need to be brave n just slowly go down the steep slope materialised. Heheh i wasnt dare to take still learning the be brave...usually ill chicken out n brake on n walk it.. Due to this issue, cannot brake to stationary... So.. Brave the decent......n extra control n decending manoevre...( deep sitting at the back ) all the time..almost sitting on the rear tire most of the time...
Come to thing of it... It was dangerous to continue but i had determined to finish the stages safely ,tackle the problem at each approach n decide on the DH sections difficulties.
I walked on a couple of steep with roots sections.. N the 1 in cp 3 before the sticker.. Somewhere in the wood.. Hahah
Overall.. It was fun.. The event was great n the trail was superb.. Ill come back anytime here.
The event also is the meetin point of frend.... So i got to meet my mainly southern one..
Haha.. So, the bikin things for me will stop for a month insyaAllah. N in ramadhan months.. I decided not to bike .. Fasting n fill the night with the required one the best i can... My target is to read n complete the whole Quran By this month.. InsyaAllah..
ya allah, please help me..
To all muslim friends... Happy ramadhan n let us upgrade our ibadah to a new level daily,weekly, yearly... Stop the bikin for a month n yes.. It wont do u any bad for that,, hehe but of course,,, YOU DeCIDE.....
The orange cordial
2 months ago