First of all,
Thanks to Allah,Alhamdullilah,
This small program was a success.
The turn up was unexpected.
The fund & many more..
We had many things, many support
-Total fund was RM 8+++( pls refer pic for detail)
-Day 1 >20 manpower
-Day 2 >20 manpower
-The bond between bikerz ( who had joined) is growing stronger.
-The food was nice for both days. ( Thanks to abg Din;s Family & Rusdi)
-We had many type of sponsor ,
--fund for volunteers food,( including, dozens of mineral waters, homemade ikan haruan kering,sandwiches & other food),
-- comfortable place to stay & rest in between work, ( Mr Din's homestay at titi Gajah ,Rusdi's house & Abe Din's House )
--we were equipped with water jet pumps (a neighbour of mine lent his unit, 1 of the participant unselfishly bought 1 for the cause & another unit owned by one of the participant)
It was a fun event .Everyone seems to enjoy . Many flaws can be observed from our side but that was it. Our part to the situation. We wish we could have done more & insyaAllah that wish will come true in the future.
About RM300++ were spent to buy cleaning& working tools, they are under my keeping. To all the fund contributors, please be informed. i wish to keep the units for future program. if ada penentangan & perbincangan, sila utarakan. you can call me 0122163222 . Of course kebenaran from all of you di perlukan.
Food for volunteers, i memang dah dapat kebenaran utk itu.
A fren suggested to me to donate the units to any surau .. but i think i want to absorb the units to Kulim' Help to do team props. The units can be used for any similar events in the future.
Please let me know. Obviously from time to time ill use some of the units myself for my own purpose. Anything... let us discuss & please suggest .You all are the pemegang saham. your wish is my command.
from Sumi's view
From tandop's view
From Mr Din's view
From Mr Raja 's view
Facebook Event page
The orange cordial
2 months ago